
It’s Not About the Money, It’s About Purpose

April 6, 2015
Ben Black



It’s Not About the Money, It’s About Purpose

Fast Company recently asked millennials to participate in a study that focused on what they valued in an organization.  The study found that millennials would rather work for an organization that has “… a focus on purpose and people” and rank that focus and purpose are “just as important as a company’s ability to generate profit.”

Additionally Business News Daily posted an article in 2013 that highlighted supporting information for Fast Company’s findings on millennials’ desire for purposeful work.  Business News Daily showed statistically that intellectual stimulation accounts for 18.5% of job satisfaction, whereas money accounts for only 5.4% of job satisfaction among those surveyed.

What companies do you know of that make strident efforts to achieve this?  Let us know here with the hashtag #behuman.

