The Invisible Dynamics of Leadership with Laurence Hillman and Richard Olivier
On March 16th, we hosted our 6th Be Human Project salon featuring Laurence Hillman and Richard Olivier.
The topic for this salon was the Invisible Dynamics of Leadership. Our special guest speakers combined ancient human archetypes with the Arts to show the need for more effective leadership in a period of uncertainty. While the topic was seemingly unconventional, all of our attendees found their presentation earnestly thought-provoking.
During the salon, guests were asked to interact with each other by conversing and answering self-assessment questions. This inner searching led to a bit of discovery about themselves, and others around them. When asked what she thought about the salon, guest Deniz Eubank replied,
“I liked this one, well I’ve liked them all. This one was different in that there was a lot of audience interaction, so it got everyone involved. But I also liked the fact that it made you really think differently about the personalities that you work with every day.”

Laurence Hillman and Richard Olivier have worked together for over two decades. Laurence uses a practical approach for understanding ancient archetypes, while Richard’s specialty is Mythodrama, a consulting technique based on great works of literature. They have combined their knowledge on these subjects to create powerful leadership development workshops.
None of this would have been possible if it weren’t for these two brilliant men and our event sponsors – Intalere, Spot Media and Schlafly Corporation. We thank you all so much for allowing us to once again bring all these wonderful business leaders together and inspire them to experiment with ways to make their business more human.

You can check out photos from the event on our event album on Facebook. Be on the lookout for video and podcasts from the salon that will be posted to our Facebook, Twitter and blog soon enough. Also, you can check us out on Instagram @behumanproject.