Business Leadership

Geese, Not in Bottles, As Leaders

August 14, 2015



Geese, Not in Bottles, As Leaders

Huawei, a Chinese tech firm and competitor of Apple and Samsung, introduced a new leadership style in 2012 – a rotating CEO/Executive Management Team (EMT) structure based on the leadership structure of migrating geese.

Every member of Huawei’s EMT serves a term as acting CEO. During this time they are responsible for financial results and emergencies situations, while the remainder of the EMT collectively fulfills all other CEO duties. Monthly board meetings allow for overarching consensus.

The jury is still out on the efficacy of this organizational leadership method. Read the whole Fortune article “Huawei’s Guo Ping on his Company’s Unusual Governance Structure” and decide for yourself if this is an effective, human-centered and fluid leadership structure, or if it just creates confusion among top stakeholders.
