Our Mission and Purpose
The Be Human Project emboldens leaders to experiment with human-centered practices that will allow them to make their businesses more human, resulting in a culture of human-centered organizations.

What does it mean to be human?
The Be Human Project team is determined to change the way business functions from the inside out. The business world has lost sight of what really makes it run — people. To spread the radical idea that humans are important to the future of business, we meet with leaders of industry to share techniques, practices, and a healthy level of encouragement to make being human a little easier.
We created the Be Human Project with the sole purpose of helping business, government, and cultural institutions form a tighter bond with the humans that make them run. Every quarter we hold a Salon featuring a hosted conversation with an industry leader who shares and sometimes expands our philosophy. Together we engage our audience and community members in a discourse that will help spread human-centric thinking to an even larger audience.
With attention we capture through our Be Human Salons and this blog we believe that we can inspire a new culture in the world of business — a culture where ideas flow freely, adaptations are constant, and we all understand the value of our humanity.